this post has no title

This is happening again. This self hatred is killing me. I don't know but i am feeling so bad. Usually when this happens, i try to comfort myself through books but today that is also not working. I  am feeling ugly. I don't want to do anything and just want to cry so hard. And if you may wondering what happened to the job, did i get it or not, so the simple answer is NO. I didn't got that job and that is also a reason for me to judge my self worth. I am not able to do anything. I think my lack of confidence is never going to let me achieve my dreams. I just can't get out of my house. This anxiety is not bearable now.

I think i am not good enough, not good enough to do anything. Amd i don't have anyone in my life who can help me get out of all this. But i think nobody is going to be in my life because when somebody tries, i just close all the doors possible to enter my life. But today i need that comfort. Somebody to hold hands with, somebody to share mt anxieties with, somebody to give a hug, somebody with whom i can go to a long walk
But i know that's not going to happen. Because i don't deserve anything.
I don't want to think like that but i just don't know what is happening.
And i don't know what name i should give to this post so this past has no title. I don't know how to give name to my feelings.


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