India : a country that doesn't like women
I know it is a very disturbing thing to say about any country what the title is saying but trust me I was also as shattered when I got to know about it. This title that I have decided for my post is originally a documentary on a YouTube channel in which how people in rural or even urban areas of India do not want a girl as a child in their house. And it's not like this documentary is few years old and I suddenly watched it and now I am talking about it, but this documentary is the most recent one. It was posted on 18th November 2018 so I can say this still is the most culpable problem that we have and nobody even address about it. It's nobody's concern.
In this documentary they showed a small village in Rajasthan and that village is running out of girls. When this question was asked that why you guys don't want girls in your house, the answer was " raising girls is very expensive. And when they grow older they might get in touch with boys which will bring disgrace to our house and we want only male dominance in our house", and that's why whenever a girl child is born, they put her in a box and put mud over it and keep it overnight and in the morning they bury that box.
This is not only a problem in rural areas. I know that urban areas are a little bit educated and that's why they don't kill their girls that brutely but go to a hospital and get it done. And even if parents are not against to raise a girl child, after a girl is married and she is not happy in her relationship, "what will people say so you should go to your own house no Matter how your husband keeps you,you have to be tolerant and don't leave that person and come to our house", is said by that girl's parents.
I have seen it happening in my own neighborhood. A girl was married six months ago and now her husband beats her, her father in law once tried to beat her but her family is not even suggesting her to come back because she is pregnant and the other reason is "what will people say, that she couldn't survive even six months. She must be a bad daughter in law or wife". This is the mentality of 21st century's India.
In India a women is Sita, Radha, Durga, Lakshmi, Kali but only in scriptures. In real world she is only meant to do housework, give birth to the heir of the house and still be called characterless if she dares to talk about her own self, if she dares to speak for her own right. In today's world it is very easy to label a girl as characterless. Because she is going out, coming late, talking to boys, not making food, not wearing suits, wearing whatever she likes. She must have some wrong upbringing.
In the end I just want to say that we talk about girls right. Her right to education, her right to live the way she want, her right to work, but I think the most important right that we don't give them and they can't even protest is their right to live. This is the most important right. Every other opportunity is based on this very thing. So let them live. Let them see this world and let them change it and make better for themselves so their parents would not have to worry about anything.
In this documentary they showed a small village in Rajasthan and that village is running out of girls. When this question was asked that why you guys don't want girls in your house, the answer was " raising girls is very expensive. And when they grow older they might get in touch with boys which will bring disgrace to our house and we want only male dominance in our house", and that's why whenever a girl child is born, they put her in a box and put mud over it and keep it overnight and in the morning they bury that box.
This is not only a problem in rural areas. I know that urban areas are a little bit educated and that's why they don't kill their girls that brutely but go to a hospital and get it done. And even if parents are not against to raise a girl child, after a girl is married and she is not happy in her relationship, "what will people say so you should go to your own house no Matter how your husband keeps you,you have to be tolerant and don't leave that person and come to our house", is said by that girl's parents.
I have seen it happening in my own neighborhood. A girl was married six months ago and now her husband beats her, her father in law once tried to beat her but her family is not even suggesting her to come back because she is pregnant and the other reason is "what will people say, that she couldn't survive even six months. She must be a bad daughter in law or wife". This is the mentality of 21st century's India.
In India a women is Sita, Radha, Durga, Lakshmi, Kali but only in scriptures. In real world she is only meant to do housework, give birth to the heir of the house and still be called characterless if she dares to talk about her own self, if she dares to speak for her own right. In today's world it is very easy to label a girl as characterless. Because she is going out, coming late, talking to boys, not making food, not wearing suits, wearing whatever she likes. She must have some wrong upbringing.
In the end I just want to say that we talk about girls right. Her right to education, her right to live the way she want, her right to work, but I think the most important right that we don't give them and they can't even protest is their right to live. This is the most important right. Every other opportunity is based on this very thing. So let them live. Let them see this world and let them change it and make better for themselves so their parents would not have to worry about anything.
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