American missionary killed in North sentinel island : Nobody should go there


    I think everyone knows about the incident that happened in the Sentinel island few days back. There was an American missionary who illegally went to the north sentinel island to preach Christianity to the sentineles tribe, Who have lived on that island for up to 60,000 years and don't want any interference from the outside world. And that's why they attack anyone who comes near them. And that's exactly what happened with the American missionary Mr. John Chau.

North sentinel island is tropical island which is a part of Andaman islands in Bay of Bengal. It is estimated that this tribe is living here for over 60,000 years. And they don't want anyone to come near them. There were so many times when people tried to make friendly contacts with them but always failed miserably. 
 There were so many attempts by the government in 1967 and 1970 to befriend the sentinelese. And that kind of worked out. At first sentinelese people were vulnerable to see these people around them and tried to attack with arrows. But after some visits to the island the sentinelese came near them and took some coconut from them. But after that they didn't wanted any interference in their lives. 

After the 2004 Tsunami which created a lot of devastation in the southern India and parts of Indian Ocean, the government of India sent helicopters to check whether these people survived or not. And luckily they survived. But as they saw the helicopter, they started shooting arrows at them. 
In 2006 when two fishermen accidentally went to close to the island, they also were killed by the tribe people. 

After these incidents the Indian government understood that these people want to stay away from the rest of the world. And want their wishes to be respected. So now the government has declared it a crime to go within 5 kilometers of the island or try to make any contacts with this tribe. 

But still there are some people who think it's their right to teach everyone how to live, whom to pray and what to do with their life. This tribe has survived 60000 years without our God. They are much older than Jesus himself, but still some people don't respect other decisions and their way of living and that's why they try to put their own opinions on everyone.

 This sentinelese tribe is merely a population of 50 to 500 people. That missionary could've spread his teaching to any other lady of the world where they know that there is something called Jesus. It wouldn't make a difference to even Jesus if the sentinelese were not praying him. 

And who are we to think that these people don't have their own God and they are not praying anyone. They must be having their own divine power. Who are we to assume anything without even knowing anything about them. Who are we to even imagine that they need our God. 

They are the only people who are living in the oldest ways of how human society started. They are the only evidences of our past. So why we are trying to change their lifestyle and their ideology. They are not disturbing us so why are we doing that. 

And another reason we should leave them alone because we are a threat to them. They are the only brings who are free from our germs, our pollution, our diseases . They are the most healthiest persons. They will not be able to survive with us. And they will be at risk of being wiped off from that island completely if we go there. 

So nobody should go there. Please leave them alone. One should not go to anyone's place without their consent. So respect them and leave them alone. 


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