My favorite YouTube channels

Hi there, let me tell you one thing. When I was thinking about writing on this topic, I was very confused as to which youtuber I put In my favorite list because I spend most of my time on YouTube. It is like I spend 14 out of  24 hours on YouTube. That's how much I love that. So you can guess how many YouTube channels I would be watching. And choosing 5 out of them is like ridiculously difficult for me. But I tried and now I have the list of my top 5 favorite YouTube channels. 

  • Shane Dawson : Shane is my favorite youtuber. I just love him. I can't even express my love for him. I recently started watching Shane's channel and I went through almost every video that he had made till now. Now you can understand how much I love him. 
  • Garrett watts : I got to know about Garrett through Shane's vlog. Because he is friends with Shane and he is very cute. I just love him. He is so sweet, so innocent, and sometimes he does this weird things that make me laugh so hard. He is a cute munchkin. And his videos are lit. 
  • Jeffree stars :  Jeffree star would be the only makeup channel that I watch. Because I am not that into makeup and all that stuff but when I watch it, it is only Jeffree star I would see. Because he has that style, that kind of attitude and after watching Shane's series about Jeffree, I respect this person much more now. And I love him because of him I got to know about Shane Dawson. I watc Shane's videos of Jeffree and I found my lost love. So big thanks to him. 
  • All India backchod :  Aib is probably my most favorite Indian YouTube channel. Although I watch so many Indian channels but this is my favorite. Their honest series, I must have seen this series like thousand of times. And honest wedding is honestly my favorite among them. The amount of hardwork they put in every video and the writing, their dialogues are the best. I mean how they think of these kind of situations. I love them. 
  • Hailey Fitzgerald :  Hailey is one of those YouTube channel that you start watching when you don't have anything else to see and once you start watching it you end up watching their every video. Sometimes I think she is my spirit animal. She is so fucking cool and chill and she makes me laugh all the time. So if you want to  lol, just watch her videos. 
So these are some of the channels that I love the most. But these are not the only channels that I watch. If I start to talk about those this post will be never ending post. And I am lazy as hell. I can't write that much. And you know I was writing about my top 10 favorite YouTube channels but I cut down to 5, you know why, because of my laziness. 
So I am ending this post here. I hope you like it. And If you like it subscribe.

Okkkkk byeeeeee ❤❤❤❤


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