Why you should read books

Hi again, I knew no one is going to read my blog because it was not up to the levels of the blogging community ( in simple words it was shit:)). But I got 7pageviews. What does that mean. Like somebody has seen my blog or is it me who has opened it so many times so it is just counting my own views. Well, I dont know.
             Anyway forget about it and move on to the topic. So the topic is why you should read books. I mean why not. There is no reason to not read books. Books are amazing. They just make you happy. Once you start reading there is no going back. It doesn't mean that you will stuck up with them ,No No No. It means that you will always find something to stick with them. You will get attached to it like I am . I can't live without thinking about books.           

                   I am going to give you reasons to love book and I think after that you will also love them. 
        They open all the gates of imagination to you. Like have you ever seen Harry Potter. If you have then also you should read Harry Potter but if you haven't seen the movie I suggest you to Read the book first. Because when you read the book you create characters the way you want them to be. You will create the magic world as per your imagination. Hogwarts will be the way you want it to be. I mean that is amazing. And you will be able to know about your imagination power. I mean that is a good deal.
            Second thing is reading can indulge you into writing as well. If you are a person who always wanted to keep a diary or journal but couldn't do so because you were not finding the inspiration for it then reading is a must. As soon as you have read something, your mind will be filled with ideas and thoughts about the book that you really wanted to be writing. Basically I Started blog because of it. I want to write so much and I think my blog is like a journal to me where I come and write whatever the hell I want to. So if you want to start a blog,READ!!

                      Third thing is that it gives you knowledge. Trust me with this. And it shows you how other people see the world. It shows that everybody in this world has different story. How big or how great their imagination can be. This world is full of stories. There is a chance
that one day you also will be able to tell your own story by getting inspiration from books. You never know what is in the future. It might open new possibilities for you and you will have thankful that you made a decision to read book and even if you don't get anything from it, it is not going to harm you either.
                  I can say that books can be the best friends for you and they are not even going to leave you ever. They will be loyal to you when anybody else is not. So read books write books and start a new journey of your life.   
        K byeeeeee.......... 

             Love love 😘😘😘


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